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Future mining: At the forefront of emerging trends, processes and sustainable methodologies

ยท 700 words, 4 minute read
Ahead of AusIMM’s International Future Mining Conference, we sat down with Conference Chair, Professor Serkan Saydam from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), to gain tips and advice for submitting an abstract.
Set to push the boundaries of possibility, there is currently an exciting opportunity to present at this future-focussed event with the organising committee now seeking abstract submissions.


What are the benefits for presenting a paper at #futuremining2024?

Presenting at #futuremining2024 is not just about sharing your work; it is a holistic experience that promises growth, connections, and a wealth of knowledge, both professionally and personally.

Being an active participant in #futuremining2024 ensures you remain at the forefront of emerging trends, processes, and sustainable methodologies. It places you in a vantage position to incorporate the latest ideas, products and processes in your work, setting you apart from peers.

Engage with trailblazers at the conference - which can lead to partnerships and collaborations that could redefine the future of the mining industry. This networking opportunity can potentially lead to co-creating innovative solutions that drive forward the entire sector.

Presenting a paper elevates your personal brand, positioning you as an expert in the field and can open doors to future opportunities and recognitions.

What makes this conference unique? What sets #futuremining2024 apart from other technical mining conferences?

The Future Mining Conference Series stand out as a beacon of innovation and transformative dialogue within the mining sector. This distinction is exemplified not just by its historical commitment to leading-edge topics but also by its interdisciplinary approach.

This approach ensures the mining industry does not operate in isolation but is well-informed and can adapt techniques and strategies that have been successful elsewhere.

The conference themes are set for #futuremining2024.

Technical presenters should ensure their abstract ties into the 2024 conference themes. Address how your work aligns with emerging trends and identify what future need or challenge it will solve.

The 2024 conference themes are: 

Idea_150x150.jpg          Innovation

Insight_150x150.jpg          Energy innovations

Hat_150x150.jpg          Mining in extreme environments and unconventional deposits

Sustainability_150x150.jpg          Sustainable mining practices

PD_150x150.jpg         Future skills and workforce evaluation

What makes for a strong abstract submission?

My top tips and advice for anyone considering submitting an abstract to join the exciting technical program for the 2024 International Future Mining Conference are:

  • Keep your abstract within the required 300 word limit.
  • Clearly mention the main objective or purpose of your work.
  • Choose a descriptive and engaging title – it is the first thing reviewers will see and can set the tone for the entire abstract.
  • Briefly describe the methods or approach you used. Emphasise the innovative aspects of your work. Highlight how your technology, method, or insight is pushing boundaries or how it's different from existing solutions. Discuss the potential societal implications of your technology or idea. Address any ethical concerns related to your work and how they've been (or can be) mitigated. Future tech often involves interdisciplinary knowledge. Mention if your work integrates insights or methods from other fields and how that enhances its future relevance.
  • Provide a glimpse into the long-term vision surrounding your work. Where do you see it going in 5, 10, or even 20 years?
  • Address the current challenges and limitations of your technology/approach/idea and how you envision overcoming them
  • Summarise the significance of your findings. Why are your results important? How do they contribute to the future of mining?

What innovative new event offerings and presentation types can attending delegates expect to see in 2024?

#futuremining2024 will feature innovative pitch talks followed by speaker panels, allowing presenters a unique opportunity to convey their messages in an engaging and interactive manner. In 2024, delegates will also find more interactive panels within the program to capture differing perspectives from across disciplines in an effort to push the boundaries of possibility as we collectively prepare for the future of mining.

The conference will be held at Sofitel Wentworth Sydney from 2—4 September 2024.

Submit an abstract before the submission deadline of 13 November 2023 for the opportunity to present at the International Future Mining Conference, co-hosted by AusIMM and UNSW.

Submit your abstract today


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