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Digitalisation and Integrated Visualisation

Digitalisation and Integrated Visualisation

Thursday, 9 June 2022


5.00pm AEST

Presentation and panel discussion

Hear from three inspiring panellists on the application of AI and interactive smart data visualisation into the mining industry and its potential to improve the accuracy of the decision-making process.


Applications of recent advances in AI and interactive smart data visualisation into the mining industry are fast growing. These applications have great potential to improve the accuracy of the decision-making process, with the intent of improving workers’ performance and wellbeing during the life cycle of the mine.

Join us online to hear from three inspiring panellists from industry, services, SME and academia from South Africa and Australia. The webinar will start with short presentations by Lizelle Prinsloo, Anglo American and Sarp Saydam, DSI, followed by a panel discussion with our two presenters and James Tibbett, CEO at SeePilot and Director at Vantage Interactive

Register to access the free recording on Digitalisation and Integrated Visualisation


Lizelle Prinsloo

Chief Rock Engineer, Amandelbult, Anglo American
Lizelle Prinsloo is the President of SANIRE. She is currently the Chief Rock Engineer at Amandelbult and celebrates her 10th year at the operation. She started her career in 2005 at Anglo American Platinum, Union Mine after graduating in 2004 with a BSc Hons degree at the University of Pretoria. She obtained her Chamber of Mines Strata Control and Rock Engineering qualifications, followed by her Advanced Rock Engineering Certificate in 2008 during her time at Union Mine. She gained some international experience by working abroad in Ireland at a massive mine and then returned in 2010 to the Bathopele bord and pillar mine in Rustenburg.

Sarp Saydam

Digital Development Engineer, DSI
Sarp Saydam received the bachelor’s degree (Hons.) in mining engineering from the School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering, UNSW Sydney. He is currently working as a Digital Development Engineer with DSI Underground, Sydney, Australia. He has three years of experience as an Underground LiDAR Scan Technician and has a published paper on a novel approach to small object detection from LiDAR scan data.

Other topics in the Series

Digital Rock Analysis

Webinar Wednesday, 11 May

Future of Rock Mechanics

Panel discussion Thursday, 16 June

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