Chartered Professional Program news: new discipline and election results
Announcement of newly added discipline – CP Valuation
AusIMM is pleased to announce that a new discipline, CP Valuation, has been added to the Chartered Professional Program.
The Chartered Professional discipline of Mineral Asset Valuation, “CP(Val),” applies to Professional Valuers engaged in the preparation of public valuations of Mineral Assets, which is to say, professionals who judge, estimate, appraise, evaluate, value, rate or assess the economic worth of a Mineral Asset.
Applications are now open and for further information, please refer to the Regulations or contact
Chartered Professional Program Committee announces new appointments for 2024
Following a recent call for nominations, we are pleased to advise that Henning Boshoff (Environment) and Glen Williamson (Mining) have been re-elected to the Chartered Professional Program Committee (CPPC) for a second term, commencing 2024. Thank you to nominees Allison Golsby, Chirantha Weerawardena and Keith Whitchurch for participating in the Mining discipline election.
We are also pleased to advise that Morrie Goodz will be filling the Management representative role in a casual capacity for 12 months.
Finally, Carlos Sorentino will be representative for the new CP Valuation discipline for 12 months. The full committee for this year is:
- Frances Burgess (Chair)
- David Thomasson (Vice Chair)
- Kathleen Turner
- Henning Boshoff
- Linda Bray
- Racquel Kolkert
- Adrian Penney
- Glen Williamson
- Morrie Goodz
- Carlos Sorentino
AusIMM would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing committee member Chris Davis for his contribution and dedication to the CPPC during his tenure.