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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2021

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2021

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Maximising resource utilisation in South Africa – the BIF story

Banded Iron Formations or more commonly known as BIF are sedimentary rock formations with alternating silica-rich layers and iron-rich layers that are typically composed of iron oxides (hematite and magnetite), iron-rich carbonates, and/or iron-rich silicates. Considering the depletion of highgrade iron ore reserves in South Africa, there is a need to maximise resource utilisation through the exploitation of sterile resources in particular BIF material which makes up greater than 65 per cent of current reserves. BIF, like most resources, is non-renewable and the deposition of BIF is thought to have come about by the reaction of Fe2+ ions in the ocean water with dissolved oxygen billions of years ago. BIF ore derived from the Limpopo region in South Africa (SA) located in the Penge Iron Formation is according to Cairncross, Kramers and Villa (2018) equivalent to that contained within the Asbestos Hills Iron Formation of the Transvaal Supergroup in the Northern Cape, SA. Considering that these are one of the largest iron ore deposits in SA, the case study involved mineralogical characterisation followed by beneficiation of BIF from these two regions to ascertain the comparability.
Coarse and fines gravity separation comprising of Heavy Liquid Separation/Dense Media Separation on the +1.18 mm size fraction and shaking table on the -1.18 mm size fraction was conducted to ascertain whether an on-grade product or blended feedstock could be produced. The Limpopo mixed and Northern Cape conglomerate BIF samples achieved similar overall responses due to the conglomerate sample containing 15.3 per cent additional -1.18 mm fines. A combined coarse and fines product grading at 60 per cent Fe could be achieved at a yield and recovery of 43.9– 53.0 per cent and 62.2–63.8 per cent respectively. Increasing the grade to 63 per cent Fe reduces the overall recovery by 13.3 per cent. At the higher target grade, the contaminant specifications could be achieved for both samples.
The Northern Cape laminated BIF sample is the most promising of the three samples studied. At the two iron target grades overall yields and iron recoveries of 72.9–65.4 per cent and 85.2– 80.2 per cent was achieved. In both instances the silica grade exceeded the product specification, however if the silica content is the driver the target iron grade should increase to 63.32 per cent. This will result in a minimal decrease in recovery of 0.4 per cent.
The promising results of this study indicate that coarse beneficiation of BIF material is possible. These ore types could be blended with superior grade products to improve overall yields and recoveries or sold directly at a 63 per cent Fe product grade whilst sacrificing 0.4–13.3 per cent recovery.
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  • Published: 2021
  • Pages: 21
  • PDF Size: 2.04 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-01629-H6C0C1

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