Other Publications
A History of the Prospecting and Development of Coal Mining in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven
Other Publications
A History of the Prospecting and Development of Coal Mining in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven
The first discovery of coal by Europeans in the Illawarra was made byshipwrecked sailors in 1779.The discovery of readily accessible seam of coal was also found in the sameyear near the mouth of the Hunter River in Newcastle and mining commenced soonafter using convict labour. In 1828 the British Government granted a 30 yearmonopoly on coal mining in the colony to the Australian Agricultural Company(AAC). This domination coupled to the inaccessibility of the Illawarra was todelay the mining of coal in this area for many years.Over a decade later, the noted geologist Reverend W.B. Clarke reported on thecoal seams outcropping on the Illawarra escarpment and the results of his workattracted the attention of local land holders and entrepreneurs keen to promote the lucrative mining of these seams. Geologists were engaged by the governmentto carry out site studies and prospecting operations to assess the quantum andcharacteristics of the coal reserves within the Illawarra and Shoalhavenareas.This volume is a publication of The AusIMM Illawarra Branch Mineral HeritageSubcommittee._x000D_
Part 2 is available for purchase here.
Part 2 is available for purchase here.
R.A. Cairns, G.R. Mould, D.K. Reynolds, A. Murray
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A History of the Prospecting and Development of Coal Mining in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven PDFPDFNormal price $55.00Member price from $33.00
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Approved activity
- Published: 2009
- Pages: 153 pp.
- PDF Size: 13.616 Mb.
- Unique ID: PA-303
- ISBN no: 978-0-646-52314-9