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New Zealand Branch

Student Paper Award

New Zealand Branch

Student Paper Award

The purpose of the Student Paper Award is to recognise excellence in student research in a minerals, economic geology or mining industry-related field, presented as a paper to a conference of the New Zealand Branch of the AusIMM.

  1. The paper must be presented by the author at the conference. Both presentation and
    content will be criteria in judging for the award. The paper must be based on the author's
    own student research work.
  2. The paper can be co-authored, but the student must be the main author. Papers with more
    than 2 authors may be accepted. Where a co-author is not a student (e.g. a supervisor)
    written confirmation from that co-author that the paper is the result of the student's own work
    will be required.
  3. The author should be 28 years of age or younger at the time of presentation, though awards
    may be made to older students at the discretion of the Education Subcommittee
  4. The paper(s) will be judged by a panel appointed by the Education Subcommittee of the NZ
  5. The award will be made for a maximum of $1,000. Additional awards may be made at the
    discretion of the Subcommittee.
  6. If no papers are judged to have reached the required standard, no award may be made.
  7. Intending applicants should notify their eligibility for the award to the conference organisers
    at the time the title or abstract of their paper is submitted. The conference organisers shall
    forward details of applicants and copies of papers to the Education Subcommittee.
  8. The Education Subcommittee will publicise the award annually in conjunction with the
    annual conference via a notice accompanying the notification of the annual conference.
    The Education Subcommittee will notify all relevant university departments in New Zealand.
  9. Membership of the AusIMM is not a requirement for eligibility. Any student of a New
    Zealand university may apply.
  10. The award will be announced at the concluding function of the conference and published on
    the Branch Website.

A student will be eligible to receive this award only once. Students presenting papers who do
not receive this award will be eligible for a travel grant of up to $200 depending on their travel


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