Why is inclusion at work important for Australian Organisations?
✔ Because employees want their workplace to be diverse and inclusive.
✔ Because it benefits everyone.
✔ Because it boosts performance and wellbeing
When organisations have taken action to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace, a similar proportion of LGBTIQ+ workers and non-LGBTIQ+ workers were very satisfied with their jobs – and significantly more satisfied than those in organisations where no D&I action is being taken. This is also the case for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander workers and non-Indigenous workers, workers with and without disability, culturally diverse and nonculturally diverse workers, and men and women. 1
3 out of 4 Australian workers support or strongly support their organisation taking action to create a workplace which is diverse and inclusive.1
Only 4% oppose or strongly oppose their organisation taking action.1
1. Diversity Council Australia's 2021-2022 Inclusion@Work Index. See full findings here.
Fiona Austin-Weber
We are thrilled to have Fiona Austin-Weber from Diversity Council Australia join the Diversity and Inclusion panel for AusIMM's Thought Leadership Series 2023, where she will share her expert overview on allyship in mining.
Register for for free today to access the Diveristy and Inclusion webinar online from 28 July 2023, or ask Fiona a questions ahead of the panel discussion to help shape the conversation.
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