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Conference Proceedings

Fifth International Future Mining Conference 2021

Conference Proceedings

Fifth International Future Mining Conference 2021

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Developing a foundation of a framework for evaluating the impact of mining technological innovation on a company's market value

This paper demonstrates how applying technological development and innovation affects mining processes and its economics. This relationship is evident throughout the four historical mining technological stages, which started in the 18th century with mechanisation, then remote control, automation, and currently, autonomous technology systems. At each stage, the need for a more productive technology arose as the effects of mineral resources depletion threatened mining’s profitability. Thus, it is evident that the future of mining profitability lies in the current advanced technologies that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning systems. Nonetheless, while mineral commodity miners profit and firm market values grow, the growth is not empirically linked to the technological innovation development that drives it. Conversely, in other industries, the firm’s technological development innovation resultant economic metrics, along with macroeconomic factors, are captured and empirically linked to stock market value. This exposes a gap in the financial impact evaluation of mining technology innovation implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to lay the basis for developing that framework for the mining industry. The work involves identifying improved productivity and cost metrics, profit margin growth, and the resultant share price performance.
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  • Developing a foundation of a framework for evaluating the impact of mining technological innovation on a company's market value
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  • Published: 2021
  • Pages: 4
  • PDF Size: 0.422 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-01574-B1K1F4

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